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Guarnera Advogados

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+39 02 4671-2721 Milan

Início » São Paulo State authorizes ICMS/ST debts installment payment

São Paulo State authorizes ICMS/ST debts installment payment

Through the Joint Resolution of São Paulo’s State General Attorney and Public Finance and Planning Department published on August, 14th, the ICMS/ST debts installment payment is now authorized up to 60 installments.Debts registered or not in active debt, judged or not, may be paid in installments.Installments’ admission term end on December, 12th, and the adherence must be formalized through PFE – Posto Fiscal Eletrônico do Contribuinte.
Our tax department is available for further clarification.

Milena Romero Rossin Garrido – Guarnera Advogados